Thursday, April 12, 2007

Got Milk?

Sitting at the dinner table with my wife tonight, she mentioned that she had seen some news online about Rudy Giuliani getting beat up over thinking the price of milk was a $1.50. I almost choked on the glass of milk I was drinking while eating my fried ham slice and potatoes. (None of which I have any idea what I paid for and I only bought them this afternoon) The choking was caused due to the time warp I was thrown through back to the Presidential campaign of 1988 and the urban myth of Bush 41 not knowing what a check-out scanner at the grocery store was. Oh how little times have changed.

While Rudy really did screw this one up, the question I have to ask is….Who cares? I’m sure the MSM does and I’m sure if he does get the nomination this story will grow new legs, but who else really cares. The man is running for President of the United States. Not milk man.

If there is anyone out there who honestly believes that the President of the United States does his own shopping or even pays for it out of his own pocket then they are short a few cents themselves. People who run for President have generally been in Public Service or Office for years. There time is dedicated to their jobs. Developing policy, dealing with crisis, or at least dodging criminal charges. Other people take care of the day to day necessities.

While I suppose if I were President I could get someone to run down to the quickie mart and find out the cost of something just so I can be ready for the reporters, I would also hope that I would be more concerned about issues somewhat more pressing than how much my next glass of chocolate milk is going to set me back.

The fact that the left has already latched on to this in the media just sheds more light on the lack of substantial ideas the Democrats are putting forth to address the actual issues of the day.

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In Memory of...

In Memory of...

Spec. Geoffery G. Johnson

Hometown: Lubbock, Texas, U.S.

Age: 28 years old

Died: October 12, 2008 in Operation Iraqi Freedom.

Unit: Army, Headquarters and Headquarters Company, Division Special Troops Battalion, 4th Infantry Division, Fort Hood, Texas

Incident: Died on Oct. 12 of injuries sustained from a non-combat related incident in Baghdad, Iraq.

Never Forget

The Left-wing media and enlightened thinkers have removed these images from out televisions for fear that they might bring anger. Keep the anger! Fight back and get in the Arena. NEVER FORGET!