The Election is Over. Now What?
Well ladies and gentlemen, the election is over. We all know the result and and given that you are on this site you are probably not happy with the result. However, if you truly are of a conservative mind you also must congratulate yourself. I know you must think as you read this that I am confused or delusional with grief, but ponder this.
Our nation was founded on principles and ideals that even our founders could not live up to at the time. The belief that we are all equal in the God given rights bestowed upon us. That no one life is greater that that of another. One of the things that make this nation great is that its people as individuals and as a society struggle to live up to that uncompromising ideal. Sometimes we succeed. Sometimes we fail. Yet we continue to struggle. Their is honor in striving and failing and even greater glory to obtain when we succeed. Despite the fundamental disagreements I have with the President Elect on every imaginable issue, I believe, that we, as a people and a nation obtained a small portion of that greater glory this election day. While this success was obtained at the expense of other goals that may have drastic consequences in the future, it was still a success. At least a small one.
Secondly, please consider this. Come January 22nd, we will have, for the 44th time in over 200 years, sworn a new President in to office. Not once in all that time has this ever occurred with the threat of violence, at the tip of a sword or under the barrel of a gun. This is an amazing an unprecedented accomplishment not only in our Nation's history but in the history of the world and every time that it occurs, whether we lost or won, we, you, should be proud.
Now, we must do what we, as Americans, always do. We get up in the morning, go to work, and solve our problems. We raise our children and instill in them the values and principles we believe in. We raise our voices for what we believe and deny the opposition the right to shout us down. Yes we are a minority at the moment, but never, ever be a silent one.
The Price of Freedom is Eternal Vigilance. The battle continues. Good Luck.
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