We Must be American's Again
“If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle.” - Sun Tzu, The Art of War
These words from 2,400 years ago prove relevant once again today as they define the loss to Islamic terrorism that the United States will suffer should the Democratic Party retain control of this nation’s congress and capture the White House in 2008. The defeat will not be because the Democratic party wants to lose, or hates America, or is the party of cut and run. They will lose because they are fundamentally unequipped to grasp the mind, tactics and strategy of an enemy that is directly antithetical to who and what the Liberal, Secular Humanist, Democratic Party has become.
Secular humanism, then, is a philosophy and world view which centers upon human concerns and employs rational and scientific methods to address the wide range of issues important to us all. http://www.secularhumanism.org/
This philosophy of non-religion and moral relativism, where morality can only be individual or culturally specific denies what the common man knows. That some things are right and some are wrong and the majorities of these transcend cultural and personal perspectives and are intrinsic to what it is to be human. As our rights have been bestowed upon us by our creator and are inalienable, so too is the basic morality of humanity.
That the Left has embraced this is evident in the contempt shown towards those who subscribe to a God given morality and code of ethical behavior. The President is ridiculed and called simple-minded for openly professing his belief and viewing the world from that point. Evangelicals are referred to as redneck Christians and the lunatic wing of the Right. They complain that Republicans only win elections when issues such as gay marriage are on the ballot and the religious right comes out to vote their intolerance and hate. Our beliefs, values and culture as a nation that is 85- 90% Christian are marginalized as intolerant, bigoted and racist and in no way superior to that of any other nation or people.
This mindset alone might not prove a danger to this nation had it not been wed to, or formed a committed civil union with, the politically correct and enslaved to tolerance Liberals that dominate the power structure of the Democratic Party.
The liberal and “enlightened” elite’s devotion at the altar of multiculturalism and tolerance threaten to destroy the fabric of which the United States has been woven since its founding. Concepts such as a living constitution distort the principles on which this nation was founded. The Left’s unwavering acceptance of any culture, belief or morality as equal to or superior to our own is intellectually dishonest and is done at the expense of our moral grounding and national strength and unity. It unequivocally divides us.
The people of this nation are not perfect and that includes our founders. Yet the ideals and principles that were set down at its inception are worthy of struggle, strife and yes, judgments that might place them above others. Devaluing these ideals by placing them on the same level as or no better than that of nations and ideologies that oppress, enslave and brutally control their peoples is a disservice to every man, woman and child that have ever sought the freedoms that we so casually enjoy. Tolerance is not and should not be blind acceptance.
These principles, enshrined by the Left, make the Left fundamentally incapable of understanding the motivations of Islamic terrorists that are driven by beliefs, morals, principles and a religion that they unabashedly profess is superior to all others. The attempts to recast terrorist’s actions as politically motivated and based on American foreign policy, oppression and support of Israel is intellectually sophomoric and possibly national suicide. It is a denial of what the terrorists themselves profess. They seek to destroy us because we deny them the Islamic caliphate which they feel is ordained. They seek to destroy us because we do not subscribe to their belief in the Shahada, “That there is no God but Allah and Muhammad is his messenger.” How they obtain this goal is not consequential to them for that which is good for Islam must be good. From the mindset of an Islamic terrorist, the ends will always justify the means. If not, bombs would not be strapped to the chests of children. Babies would not be placed in cars in order to allow the terrorists posing as parents to avoid checkpoints only to be left in the vehicle when it is detonated.
The Islamists use our own beliefs against us. They excoriate us for our lack of tolerance and what they claim to be oppression of the Muslim community. They avail themselves of our most precious rights of freedom of speech and religion to preach hate and to demean us as hypocrites while at the same time protesting violently when we seek to assert these rights for ourselves. Whether it is Muslims rioting violently in the streets because someone drew a cartoon, or a German judge declaring that it was okay for a Muslim husband in Germany to beat his wife because Sharia law allows it, or six Imams intentionally inciting the fears of plane passengers in a contrived publicity stunt designed to allow them to once again claim the rights that they would deny others, the results are the same. The Left demands that we subjugate our values for those openly professed by our enemy. We are told to have patience, to tolerate, to accept that which by our own standards is unacceptable while the radical Islamists continue to live and grow among us, asserting their culture and their beliefs over the rest of western world. They are the Manchurians of the west. We are bigots.
Make no mistake. This short sighted and blinding acceptance of any way of life is the message of the Left, Secular Humanists and the terrorists. The Left did not choose this for themselves, but it is what they have become. They cannot defeat the terrorists because they do not understand them. They do not understand that the tactics and strategies that the terrorists use are the same tactics that they, though they are not violent, espouse in achieving political victory. To divide, to weaken, to play one group against the other, to make us believe that there is no "One America" to win, not by over whelming victory, but by tiny increments. To defeat the terrorists would force them to look at themselves and find error and weakness in the ideologies they subscribe to. The Islamists support this message because it obscures the truth behind their message and awards them a victory at every turn.
I am starting to truely believe that the rasicism in the United States is overcoming us in a new way. From my stand point we have understanding for Black, White, Mexican, Asian, and now Islamic. We have understanding that the world is bigger than just the US. What we lack is the fact that if you are Republican or Democrate what the hell does it matter. Everything now adays is split on a political line that makes me sick. We argued about if people were African American, Mexican American and all other and I came to the belief that we are All Americans. If you are not then you should make your way back to where the word before America is. I an American first, not a Republican, Not a Democrat, and not a White American, Just as I Said AN AMERICAN. To hell with the people to believe that you can only be one way and must walk only one line. All we all Robots told the way things are and we are to just except it all. I want to know what a man or a woman Thinks, That is only spearation that is exceptable. I am a American Man. My wife is an American Women. I was giving the gift of freedom and choice. I need no one person, one political mind set, or one faith to tell me who I am. I KNOW MYSELF
Gordon you shine the light of truth! I'm SoldiersMum from the The Conservative Army. Your blog is wonderful as are your words.
Thank you very much for your service to our country! I am amazed by people like you who walk the walk by serving and who actually get it and can put it down on paper so suscintly!
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